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Lone Star Governance

Premont ISD Lone Star Governance

School Board Goals


What is Lone Star Governance?

The purpose of Lone Star Governance is to provide a continuous improvement model for governing teams – boards in collaboration with their superintendents – that choose to focus intensively on one primary objective: IMPROVING STUDENT OUTCOMES.


Our (Proposed) Goals

HB3 Goal 1 - Early Years Literacy

  • The percent of 3rd grade students that score meets grade level or above on STAAR Reading will increase from 53% on August 2023 to 63% by August 2028.


HB3 Goal 2 - Early Years Mathematics

  • The percent of 3rd grade students that score meets grade level or above on STAAR Math will increase from 48% on August 2023 to 55% by August 2028.


HB3 Goal 3 - CCMR

  • The percentage of graduates that meet the criteria for CCMR will remain at 100% from August 2023 to 100% by August 2028.


Proposed Board Constraints (Adopting No More Than Five)

The Board, either collectively or through the actions of individual Board Members, shall NOT:

1. Deviate from board policy and board operating procedures.

2. Go more than 1 year without reviewing and making changes to board policy and board operating procedures

3. Come unprepared to a board meeting or workshop

4. Allow new board members to be negated from a high quality onboarding process

5 Publicly criticize any decisions made by the body corporate or administration.

6. Give or appear to give personal opinions when encountering community concerns. 


Proposed Superintendent Constraints (Adopting No More Than Five)

In attaining the Board’s student outcome goals, the Superintendent shall NOT allow:

1. conditions to fail to prioritize teacher retention, including but not limited to, ignoring, or failing to address factors that contribute to teacher job satisfaction and morale, failing to provide resources and support for classroom management and instructional materials.

2. the district to operate without a strategic plan for developing a teacher pipeline and “Grow Your Own” program with adequate support and professional development opportunities for aspiring and current educators to ensure their success and growth within the profession.

3. hiring of staff in a manner that deviates from the board-approved budget or neglects a balance between educational needs and budgetary constraints.

4. the district to fail to identify, evaluate, and provide appropriate educational services to students who qualify for special education services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and any other applicable federal and state laws and regulations.

5. school facilities to fall below established safety and maintenance standards, nor fail to provide a clean, respectful, and adequate learning environment for all students and staff.

6. student attendance and truancy issues to go unaddressed or neglect to implement proactive strategies and interventions aimed at engaging students and reducing chronic absenteeism.


Vision – To be developed 


Mission – To be developed 


Theory of Action – To be developed